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2nd generation - grandparents



3rd generation - great grandparents


4th generation - great great grandparents



5th generation - 3 x great grandparents




6th generation - 4 x great grandparents

Rosetta Caroline GORTON (who married John MASTEL (see APPLEBY section))


Silas George GORTON and Emily Elizabeth HILL


Silas Theophilus GORTON, Isabella WALKER, Catherine Victoria REBBECK, James HILL, Caroline RIDGWELL


John GORTON, Anne ADAMS, William REBBECK, Mary DAVIS, John HILL, Ann FORD, William RIDGWELL, Caroline RICHARDSON (more research required)


more GORTONs, CLEMENTS, REBBECKs, HILLs, FORDs and GREENHAMs (more research required)

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Mastel Family History

Mastel Family History

the Gorton family

I will add details of the later generations of this branch of our family, hopefully within the next few months.


If you have an interest in the Rebbecks - please visit their Rebbeck Reunion website

The Gortons lived around the Regent's Park, Hampstead Road area of London, where a number of family members were music smiths.  Prior to that they seem to have lived in Rugeley, Staffs. Also: Hill, Ford, Greenham, Bracy (all from Hatfield in Hertfordshire), Rebbeck and Tarver (from Dorset), Ridgewell and Richardson (from Saffron Walden in Suffolk), Adams and Davis (Londoners), Clements and Harvey (from Staffordshire)

Ancestors of Rosetta Caroline Gorton

This section updated october 2018

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