Some useful general links to online sources:
Find My Past
Family Search
Motco maps and images
Victorian London
The National Archives
The Genealogist
Historical Directories
Guild of One-Name Studies
Society of Genealogists
Family History online
The East of London Family History Society
England & Wales Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates from General Register Office
Scotlands People
Ireland census
England & Wales 1841-1921 censuses accessed at
Sources for all families:
1841 - 1911 census accessed initially at the Family Records Centre and later on-line - in all cases, I have checked the actual images rather than relying on transcripts
post-1837 birth, marriage and deaths from GRO index information accessed at Family Records Centre and on-line at either Ancestry, The Genealogist or freeBMD - before ordering copies of any certificates from the GRO references given, you are STRONGLY advised to double check the reference as some were pretty illegible
Copies of Birth, Marriage and Death certificates (where indicated) obtained from - if you are a family member and would like further details from any of these emailed to you, just contact me.
Copies of Wills were obtained either online (for pre-1858 probate dates) from the National Archives or for post-1858 from The Court Service (Principal Registry of the Family Division) in Holborn (tel +44(0)20 7947 6000 for opening hours). NB there is now an online service at
However, many of the resources I needed to search required visits to National and/or County Record Offices (see specific source lists for different family lines)
Specific sources for the Adamthwaite and Green family:
Adamthwaite Archive - website of the Adamthwaite one-name study.
In addition to numerous visits to Kendal and Carlisle Archives over the years to view original documents, these websites have provided a range of details: Cumbria Genealogy Search (1787 Constables Census of Westmorland, 1777 Window Tax and 1674 Hearth Tax)
loads of information about Kirkby Stephen can be found on Nancy McLaughlin's excellent Kirkby Stephen site.
Where indicated in the text, certain parish records for Westmorland have been accessed at the library of the Society of Genealogists, either on microfilm or as transcripts.
Thank you to all my newly discovered relatives! in New Zealand, Tricia in Australia, Joan and Moya in Co Durham, Alan in Cannock Chase and Dora May in Hendon - who have provided photographs and/or details about Adamthwaites (some who travelled far and some who stayed at home!)
Thank you Marian in Australia for information about ancient Adamthwaites in Westmorland
Thank you Roma for all your help and support in tracking the Mason family
Also thank you to my cousins and my parents for sharing their memories and photographs of Granny and Grandpa Green
Specific sources for the Mastel and Appleby family
The Appleby DNA Project This project aims to discover links between the different Appleby/Applebee lines in the UK and around the world.
Many of the family members lived most of their lives in London, so I have been able to check parish records on microfilm at the London Metropolitan Archives and Guildhall Library (which also has an excellent archive of old maps and prints and very helpful staff) More recently, many London Parish Records have been accessed online at
Thank you to Irene, Rick, Clive, Rita, Daphne and Anne for their recollections about our Appleby ancestors and to all those members of the Waggett clan on both sides of the Atlantic who have helped me to make some sense of the confusing but fascinating Waggett family (thank you DW, JR, SP and JE)
Specific sources for the Ward, Kent and Howes family:
Many thanks to Pam and Barbara for helping me sort out Frank and Rhoda Ward's family; and to Jim for information about Marshfield Parish records and also to the Colerne History Group
Also to Karen, Chris and Stan and Jan for the huge amount of information they have shared about the Howes family
and now there is also a Howes One-name study website - contact Paul if you have Howes in your tree

Thank you

Mastel Family History
Mastel Family History
links, sources and acknowledgements
Specific sources for the Gorton family
Like the Applebys, many of the Gortons also lived in and around London, so it has been possible to check parish records on microfilm at the London Metropolitan Archives and Guildhall Library
Parish Records for the Hills and Fords in Hertfordshire were accessed on microfilm at Hertfordshire Records Office
More detailed information about the Rebbeck family can be found at the Rebbeck Reunion website
A big thank you to Judy and all the members of the Rebbeck Dynasty who have provided an insight into this intriguing family with records going back to the 16th century in Fisherton de la Mere in Wiltshire.
From the numerous credits to DR in the text, you can see for yourselves how indebted I am to my newly discovered cousin Diane who has provided most of the excellent photos as well as family recollections and detailed information about our shared ancestors - thank you Diane
And thank you to ZH who set me off on the search for Henry Gorton's ancestors, which in turn led to the discovery of the Gorton's Canadian links.
Thank you to Susan for her advice about setting up a website
Specific sources for the Johnson and Dearl family:
Parish Records for Oxfordshire (mainly Thame and Towersey) and also some census details were accessed at the Oxfordshire Record Office in Cowley (abbreviated to ORO in text) where the staff are extremely helpful
Parish Records for Buckinghamshire were accessed at the Centre for Buckinghamshire Studies in Aylesbury
Also, many thanks to Mike and Marilyn, for sharing so much Johnson and Cadle information from the Buckinghamshire records, and thank you to Pamela for all the Chapman information
Thank you to Anne, Chris and Maeve for their recollections of the Johnsons and Dearls.
And HUGE thanks to Alan for all his help and information about the Dearls in Clontarf
Specific sources for the Snary and Olpin family:
A huge thank you to J&J Snary who administered the Snary one-name study, not only for the wealth of facts they provided, but for their patience with me whilst I continue to try to untangle this very complicated family - sadly, their SNARY study is no longer active.
The folk at the Bristol and Somerset Rootsweb mailing list are also very helpful - thanks to JJ for Snary and Olpin information
Also, thank you KC and VS who have contributed many details and photographs of Snary family members
And to Bryan for sharing Olpin information.
Before the Covid Pandemic, I spent several days researching further into the SNARY history at Bristol Archives, where I discovered some unexpected details about my more distant SNARY ancestors (you can read about them in the SNARY section!)
Finally, to my dad and cousin Barbara for digging up so many memories
More Acknowledgements
A big thank you to Sheila and Campbell, whose enthusiasm for researching their family was so infectious,
to Lynne, whose birthday present of the Legacy Family Tree software many years ago, got me sufficiently organised to be able to produce these pages
And finally, a huge thank you to my dad for taking (and keeping!) so many photographs of his family and telling me all about their past - it was his stories that sparked my interest in finding out more about them all.