PLEASE NOTE: This site was recently transferred from one hosting company to another - the transfer resulted in many broken or missing links within the site, which I think I have now corrected. However, there is also an issue with charts and spreadsheets that may take a little longer to fix! Please let me know if you spot any problems, Sue.
In November 2019, this website was accepted for inclusion in the British Library Archive ... which guarantees the site' availability long after I can no longer maintain it.
My other genealogy websites:
If you have come across this website because you are looking for information about the surname ADAMTHWAITE, or because you have an interest in families who lived in the parish of RAVENSTONEDALE in Westmorland - you may like to visit one of my other websites:
ADAMTHWAITE ARCHIVE - the website for the One-name Study for my maternal grandmother's line NB: although this site IS online, the editing functions have not yet been transferred to my editing dashboard at the new hosting company, so I am unable to edit it and correct the linkages which are not currently working correctly and the missing spreadsheets and family history charts. So instead, I suggest you visit the copy made in 2017 which is available on the British Library Web Archive here
RAVENSTONEDALE looking at the history of the old families who lived in this small parish in Westmorland (the original home of the Adamthwaites)
History of MANOR VIEW, Finchley - a tiny One-place study undertaken whilst confined to the house during the Covid pandemic! (Note: the pages comprising this site are located within this Mastel Family site)
de Morais Family History - this site attempts to explore the genealogy of our Brazilian daughter-in-law. The results are very limited, but it is proving a fascinating exercise
Links to some specialist genealogy societies and websites:
Latest updates to this site:
25 jan 2022 - completed corrections resulting from transfer from previous hosting company - please let me know if you spot any further errors!
30 jan 2022 - added page with recently discovered information about my Dad's old cars
jun 2022 - reconnected link to Granny Sue's photo gallery
This is an ongoing project, so some pages contain much more information than others - and although I have tried to check all factual details, there are almost certainly some errors or omissions: so please contact me with any corrections of additions. There are many details I am still hunting down - if you can help me with sources for any gaps you find in your own family, I would be very grateful. I am gradually adding details of each family in the 1921 census.
Many of the family recollections and photographs have been kindly donated by all the newly found relatives I have discovered in the last few years, as a result of this project .... thank you everyone.
I have not included detailed information about living family members, though I am gradually updating a pdf of my own Childhood Memories of growing up in the 1950s which I will eventually add to this site. But for a really interesting article about a London childhood in the 1920s in Brewery Road (just north of Kings Cross) - please read the recollections of a descendant of Caroline Ridgewell (see Generation Four of the GORTON line).
If you have taken, or are thinking of taking an autosomal DNA test, please read this page about DNA testing - perhaps you could join our mini DNA project?
This site is dedicated to the memory of my parents: Mary Susan WARD (nee GREEN) who died on 24 September 2005 at the age of 90 years, and Leonard WARD, who died on 23 October 2007 at the age of 94 years. Their stories about their very different childhoods first triggered my interest in tracing my ancestors. I recently discovered a box of photos of some of my father's old cars, and what is even more interesting, I have received contacts from some of their current owners! SEE MORE HERE
NAVIGATION: Click on one of the links at the top of the page to go to the family group that interests you.
I hope to eventually add a NAME LIST of everyone who appears on this site ... a long term aim!
This page provides LINKS, SOURCES and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, which you may find helpful when undertaking your own family history research.
If you are interested in Autosomal DNA testing - these pages may be helpful (these pages will open in a new window):
Family Tree DNA's Family Finder test

I have been researching my own and my husband's family history for over twenty years, but became so interested in my maternal grandmother's line that I registered the surname as a one-name study on the surname Adamthwaite back in 2007.
Being in lockdown during the Covid pandemic did allow me to complete the One-place Study on Manor View, Finchley, that I had commenced several years ago. The findings proved very interesting!
I am a member of the Society of Genealogists, the Guild of One-name Studies and the Society of One-Place Studies. In 2015 I completed the Certificate in Family History Skills and Strategies (Intermediate) Distance Learning Course with Pharos Tutors - which I thoroughly recommend to anyone wishing to further their knowledge in genealogy (Pharos run online courses on a range of different topics at various levels). From 2017 to 2019, I studied their two-year Advanced Certificate course - so with all the skills acquired, l hope to add the missing information to the families above, and discover lots more about earlier ancestors. For my final Project on the Advanced Course I researched further generations of my SNARY ancestors - and in the super Bristol Archives I discovered loads of fascinating details about the early SNARYs (which I am in the process of adding to the Snary Section of this site!)
If you find any errors in the following pages, or if you can provide further details, please visit the Contact Page
Sue Mastel
Mastel Family History
Mastel Family History
Welcome to my family history site

This site is still under construction, and not all the families have been added yet - I will endeavour to add the missing data to this site as soon as possible. If you think you share any of the same ancestors, please use the Contact Form to send me details.