Isaac married Harriet Everson on 7 mar 1819 at St John's Bedminster, and I know of just two children of this couple:
Joseph SNARY was chr on 22 Aug 1819 at St Philip and Jacob - he married (1) Eliza Missons in 1837 and (2) Sarah Skeets in 1862. Joseph spent the final years of his life in London, where he died in 1884 - see previous generation
Isaac SNARY was chr 18 nov 1827 at St Philip & Jacob - this entry recorded his father's occupation as a brazier. Isaac married Sara Parsons CONWAY on 27 jun 1847 at Westbury on Trym, Gloucs and in 1851 he was also a brass founder. Isaac died in 1867 as a lay vicar and professor of music at Winchester Cathedral. Although Isaac is not a direct ancestor he lived such an intriguing life that I am thinking about writing a short biography for him! If I do, I will add it to this website.
Isaac SNARY senior died on 20 jan 1881 at 21 Villiers Road in the district of St George, Barton Regis, Gloucs. He was aged 79 and at the time of his death his occupation was Copper Smith - the cause of death was chronic bronchitis and the death was reported by his granddaughter M A Gwyther, of the same address. (source Death Certificate)
Harriet Everson was chr at St Philip & Jacob on 25 Dec 1798, aged two months. Her parents were Richard and Martha (Phillips) who married on 30 may 1784 at St P&J. When Harriet died on 26 nov 1872, she was aged 72 years, living at 19 Grange St, St Paul and her husband was described as a brass founder. (source Death Certificate)
Parents of Eliza MISSON:
Michael MISSON and Mary ROGERS
I have failed to discover very much at all about the MISSON family - my searches are not helped by the fact that there is a huge variation in the spelling of their surname - MISSON, MISSEN, MISZEN, MIZZEN ...
so although I have now confirmed quite a few christenings, marriages and burials at Bristol Archives, this is all I know:
Michael Misson was chr on 28 sep 1806 at Bristol St George - his parents were John MISSON and Susannah KITTEREL who had married in 1791 at Bristol St George - however the entry states that Michael was born on 18 oct 1796. Two of his siblings Susannah and William were also christened on this date - they had been born in 1798 and 1802, plus a further sibling, Hannah, had been christened back in 1792. Michael Misson died on 20 Aug 1854 at Avon St, St P&J. He was aged 57 years, a glasshouse labourer and the cause of death was bronchitis, diarrhoea and was reported by Eliza SNARY, present at the death, of Kingsland Rd, Bristol (source Death Certificate)
His wife Mary ROGERS, was one of two children of this name chr at Bristol St George on 1 apr 1792 (the parents of the two Marys were Thomas & Ann Rogers and James & Martha Rogers - who were probably closely related!) but given the name of her first child, I think it more likely that she was the daughter of James & Martha Rogers Michael and Mary married on 22 Mar 1818 at Bristol St James. A Mary MISSON's death was recorded in Clifton reg. district in 1867, aged 78
Known children of Michael and Mary MISSON:
Martha MISSON, chr 24 jan 1819, St Philip & Jacob, Bristol
Eliza MISSON, chr 9 dec 1821, St Philip & Jacob, Bristol - see previous generation
Parents of William OLPIN:
William OLPIN and Joanna (Smith?)
I need to spend a bit more time researching William OLPIN's parents at Bristol Record Office. But there are some clues in the entry shown on the right for three young HOLPIN children in the 1841 census.
These children's names tie in with the christenings of two children of a William OLPIN and Joanna christened in Bristol (source Bristol PRs):
Charles William OLPIN chr 26 may 1833 at St Philip & Jacob, Bristol
William Reed OLPIN chr 23 feb 1834 at St Philip & Jacob, Bristol
?Ann OLPIN - born about 1836 (no christening record located)
I located a marriage for a William Olpin to a Joanna Smith at St Philip & Jacob, Bristol on 31 Jan 1831, which seems to be the correct marriage. But from the 1841 census entry shown above right, it looks as if William and Joanna had had another child - Ann, born in about 1836 and subsequently William had died and Joanna had married a John Light. But I am unable to confirm this theory because there is no christening record for an Ann Olpin amongst the St Philip & Jacob registers, and neither can I locate a marriage of a Joanna SNARY to a John LIGHT either at Bristol Archives, or on the GRO index. Furthermore, young Ann was born just too early to be able to locate her mother's maiden name on the new GRO index.
But I have found a probable death for William in 1838: the death certificate shows that William OLPIN died on 14th Dec 1838 in Kingswood Workhouse in Wotton under Edge. He was aged 26 years, occupation Labourer of the parish of Cam, and he died of Consumption. William's death was registered by Joanna OLPIN, present at death - I believe this confirms that this was Joanna's husband and that she subsequently married (or perhaps just moved in with?) John LIGHT - but again, their daughter Louisa seems to be missing from the GRO registers ... definitely a conspiracy!
One potential factor that could suggest this is the right William's death is that Dursley reg.district covers Cam in Gloucestershire - just to the north of Bristol, and an area where there were a number of OLPIN families in the early parish registers. One couple - William OLPIN and Hannah READ married in Cam in 1809 - so not only could they be the parents of our William, but his mother's surname could explain the middle name of William and Joanna's second son. Hopefully all will be revealed when I am able to continue my checks of original parish registers - these ones will require a visit to Gloucstershire Archives!
Parents of Elizabeth BROOKS:
William Brooks and Betsy?
This couple need considerable more research - I hope to update this page when I have had the opportunity to visit Bristol Archives.
Mastel Family History
Mastel Family History
Snary generation 5: 3x great grandparents -
parents of Joseph SNARY: Isaac SNARY and Harriet EVERSON
Isaac SNARY was born in about 1801 and chr at St Philip & Jacob, Bristol on 9th Aug 1801 - the son of Joseph Snary and Ann (Morris) who had married in 1783.
His father Joseph SNARY was a butcher but Isaac's trade was in Bristol's brass industry (you can read more about the importance of this industry in the 18th & 19thC here). Bristol Poll Books confirm that that Isaac lived and worked in Cheese Lane (the location of one of the brass works mentioned in the above article); while his father Joseph the butcher was in Narrow Plain.
A View of Bristol Floating Harbour from Brandon Hill, c1830 (Wm Muller). Before 1809, vessels had to be loaded on the banks of the River Avon (which was a tidal river flowing through the centre of Bristol). This caused great difficulties for ships loading or unloading when the tide went out, as they had to be propped up! In 1809 the river was diverted to create a Floating Harbour, equipped with wharves, granaries, etc. [The Port of Bristol official handbook, published by Bristol Docks Office,1904]
Click on the above thumbnail to open a larger copy of J&F Tallis's 1851 map showing the St Philip & Jacob area of Bristol (source David Rumsey Map Collection where you will find lots more goodies)
Isaac & Harriet SNARY in the census:
1841 - living at Narrow Wine St, St Peters Castle Precinct:
Isaac SNARY, 35, brazier
Harriet SNARY, 40
Isaac SNARY, 10
1851 - living at Lower Barton Mill, no 2 lodge, Bristol Iron Works:
Isaac SNARY, 49, brass founder, b. Bristol St Philip
Harriet, 50, b. Bristol St Philip
Isaac, 23, brass founder, b. Bristol St Philip
Sarah, 27, son's wife, b. Clifton, Gloucs
Mary, 13, granddau, b. Bristol St Philip
1861 - living at 4 Richs Buildings, Asher Lane, Bristol:
Isaac SNARY, 59, foreman iron founder, b. Bristol
Harriet SNARY, 60, b. Bristol
1871 - living at 19 Grange St, Bristol St Paul:
Isaac SNARY, 65, messenger bankruptcy court, b. Bristol
Harriet SNARY, 66, b. Bristol
Michael & Mary MI***N in the census:
1841 - at Barley Field, St P&J, Bristol:
Michael MISSEN, 45, labourer (all born in county)
Mary MISSEN, 45
Mary SNARY, 3 (this is the daughter of Joseph and Mary SNARY - she also appears living with her parents!)
1851 - at Avon St, St P&J, Bristol:
Michael MIZEN, head, mar, 57, all born in St P&J, glass house labourer
Mary MIZEN, wife, mar, 57
Mary SNARY, dau, mar, 29 (her husband Joseph was in London)
Isaac SNARY, grandson, 10
Joseph SNARY, grandson, 8
Henry SNARY, grandson, 3
1861 - living at Passage St, St P&J, Bristol:
Mary MIZEN, head, 68, widow, formerly worked at brick works, b. Bedminster
children of William OLPIN and Joanna ? in the census:
1841 census: at Whitehouse Place, Bedminster:
John LIGHT, 27, mar, labourer (all born Somerset)
Johanah LIGHT, 29, mar
Louisa LIGHT, 1
Charles HOLPIN, 10
William HOLPIN, 8
NOTE: All baptism, marriage and burial entries shown on this page have now been confirmed against the St Philip & Jacob parish registers at Bristol Archives.
NOTE: from their christening records, it looks as if Mary was actually a few years older than Michael - though they are shown as the same age in census entries. This phenomenon is frequently seen in census entries!